Grow your business & build trust with reviews

Grow your business by receiving feedback and reviews from customers in one place and also showcasing this reviews to prospective users to make them buy from you.

Get Early Access

Best review app ever….

I run a business online and I have not been really focused on collating my customer reviews but with Givviepoints, I have been able to do just that and it has also helped my new and potential customers read reviews about my business from people all around the world.

Oluranti Owoseeni.

Start collecting reviews today


Probabillity of visitors that are more likely to convert after reading a review


Buyers says reviews impact their purchase decision


Says reviews also help with brand loyalty

How it works

Givviepoints is mobile friendly and very easy to use for starters. These 3 steps will guide you to help get started in less than 60 secs.


Fill the form the form to get early access


Download the app with the download link sent to your phone number


Profile setup: create your business profile and a review link will be automatically generated.

Use Givviepoints

Join other business on Givviepoints

Givviepoint is your best customer reviews plug

  • Get instant reviews from your old and new customers with ease by sharing your business review link with them.
  • All your reviews are stored in your account permanently without losing any in order to facilitate easy tracking of reviews.
  • Easy sharing of reviews directly to any social media platform without going through the stress of screenshots that can easily choke your phone storage.


Discover the most common questions.

You can always reach out to us to answer any question thats not covered here.

How much does it cost to use Givviepoints?

Givviepoints is free to use for ever for business with less than 100 reviews per month.

How do i download the app?

Fill the form above and we would send you a download link within 24 hours

Drop us a line or two, we are open for creative minds and collaborations!

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